Euthanasia Center
While in Germany, most of us learned more about Euthanasia than we had ever known before. One of the sites we toured was the "T-4" Euthanasia Killing Center. In this building physically and mentally handicapped were experimented on, tortured, and killed. After a brief seminar and briefing, the tour of the center began.We headed down to the basement towards the gas chambers. T
his seemed to be extremely difficult for everybody to stand in such a confined area where so many people unfortunately died. It was hard for everyone to hold back their tears, I tried to stay as strong as i could. The number of people in our group would have been tripled in comparison to h
ow many people were shoved in the gas chamber in one sitting. As anyone could imagine it must have been a chaoctic environment, as these people knew no good could come of this. The gas would be turned on, and a little viewing hole was conviently placed by the door so those conducting these heinous acts could watch. Leaving the gas chambers we entered a room where the bodies were dissected by one man. We saw the t
able in which he would lay these bodies on and observe them, yet another difficult room to be standing in. Then, we went into the room where the crematorium once stood. In this room we learned about how random ashes were given to the families of the loved ones who had been killed with a description of their death. On more than one occation the same family would receive another letter with a different deat
h date and reason for their deaths along with another urn of random ashes. This is how the act of Euthanasia, at this center was discovered, through their own careless mistakes.
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